Ivins Soccer is a 100% recreational community soccer program open to any and all players ages 3 ½ to 16 currently living in Washington County. We are devoted to keeping our teams fair & balanced, keeping the sidelines supportive & encouraging and making sure all our players have a GREAT & POSITIVE experience while learning to play the game of soccer. Below you find the rules & policies for our league. If you have questions please contact us at [email protected].
** In order for us to keep our program RECREATIONAL we DO NOT allow any fully formed teams to be put in together in our league. You can still register your players individually but we put each of our teams together by hand every season to ensure they stay fair and balanced for everyone. We also DO NOT allow any player to play "up" or "down" in any age bracket - NO EXCEPTIONS. **
** In order for us to keep our program RECREATIONAL we DO NOT allow friend or coaches requests - regardless of carpool needs, family needs, etc. If you volunteer to coach, you will be made the coach of your child's team (if multiple parents volunteer - one will be randomly selected), however, we DO NOT allow coaches to request assistant coaches or other players.
** We have changed our Age Bracketing at request of our parents. Our cutoff date is now AUGUST 31st instead of JULY 31st as in previous years. Please see the Age Bracket list under the registration tab for the exact age bracket dates. **
** All of our teams are coached by parent volunteers. We CANNOT make Ivins Soccer happen without our coaches. If you would be willing to coach your child, please let us know on your child’s registration form. We cannot start the season without coaches. **
** We ask each of our parents to sign the Ivins Soccer Code of Conduct (which is included with your registration documents) prior to completing their child’s registration. We expect ALL our spectators on the sidelines to be uplifting, encouraging and supportive at all times! Positive attitudes and good sportsmanship start with EACH OF US on the sideline! **
** For those age brackets that will have a center official (U8 & Up) please remember that they are young (13-18 year old) soccer players themselves and SOMEONE’S child. If you have a concern with a center official please LET US KNOW. They are human and WILL make mistakes or make calls that you may not agree with. We ask that you treat these youth referees with respect and as if they were YOUR OWN CHILD out there.
** Refunds will not be issued after Feb. 4th,2024. Please see our refund policy located on the FAQ page. All requests for a refund prior to Feb. 4th, 2024 will need to be submitted via email to [email protected].
The Following Links are the Game Rules for each of our age brackets. Please read through ALL the game rules for your players to help better understand the game.